issue 68 | page 1 20. may 2024 AD


March 1rst 2012,
Automatic contests coming soon!

Dear noble Lords and Ladies,

we are going to add a new feature to the game soon: the fully automatic competitions!

Products and qualities required both for the single player as well as for the guilds' contests will then be selected by our system, which will also ensure that all contests will always start and end at the same days and times of the week (regardless of public holidays, etc.), and send out the rewards as soon as the competitions have ended.

The competitions will be announced with an also automatically released newspaper, which will include everything you'll need to know about them.

As the first fully automatic competitions are scheduled for Sunday, March 11th 2012 (if all goes according to plan), there will be no new competitions this week, however. This means, you'll be able to use the time in between to focus on your towns, though, and prepare yourselves for the first fully automatic competitions!

We'll tell you everything you need to know in advance, of course, as usual, via forum announcement!

Best regards and thank you very much for your understanding,

your upjers-team

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