issue 13 | page 5 8. june 2008 AD
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The Results

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And with an end to the fourth contest of the server came another exciting and varied result. Although no records were broken for the amounts sent in we did see a small increase in the amount of participating users. While still not enough to break the current record of 156 obtained during the first contest of the server we did see one hundred and fifty participants this time around.

Following this contest however we can announce the Medal Winners.

LosCity can keep their head high .. if they can hold it up with the weight of their Gold Medal for submitting 15,013,016 Goats.

So Close, yet so far came Stellenbosh who sent in 11,446,274 quality Goats in this competition.

Kempilum was the runner up in this competition with third place for submitting 2,109,580 Goats. A Small amount compared to the others, but still enough to take home the Bronze.

A total of 143 Participants entered in this last Competition, possibly our lowest number yet, especially with such a low total of Goats sent in as well.

Fear not however as the next competition will feature once again a Q0 Product, with a send-in cost slightly higher then it's production ..

Competition Rewards

Rank 1 --> Gold medal
Rank 2 --> Silver medal
Rank 3 --> Bronze medal
Rank 4 --> 5 Contest Certificates
Rank 5 --> 4 Contest Certificates
Rank 6~10 --> 3 Contest Certificates
Rank 11~20 --> 2 Contest Certificates
Rank 21~100 --> 1 Contest Certificate

Each of these items add Reputation to your total score in the following format.

Gold medal --> 300 Reputation Points
Silver medal --> 200 Reputation Points
Bronze medal --> 100 Reputation Points
Contest certificate --> 10 Reputation Points

How does the Competition Work?


The Product may or may not be produced in a high quantity and often the product is selected to give a more fair chance to every player.

The selected quality and retail price of the product to send is included in every announcement, however sometimes the product itself may be hidden with only a clue in the competition story.

Generally competitions are not suitable for the newer players or smaller cities due to the amount needed to have a fair chance in the standings. However they can sell the required product or something needed to produce them to those who are willing to pay enough to earn one of the above prizes since high yields are usually the target for these competitions.

On the last day of the competition at 23:59 the competition office is then closed until the next one is made available.

The winners are indicated in the competition listings.
Statistics > All Time Competition

Simply select the relevant contest in the drop-down menu.

Congratulations to all participants

And a special congratulations to those who earned the Medals!

LosCity Forest wears proudly a Gold Medal,
A Silver Medal hangs from around Stellenbosh's neck,
And Kempilum wears a Bronze Medal with pride.

The winners and participants of this first contest, and all others after can be viewed in the All Time Competition listings.

© Therian

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